Ascend Mastermind

A Mastermind for women seeking career clarity

Ascend, is a mastermind for women leaders seeking career clarity. Over 5 sessions, you’ll develop a true vision for your career, understand your edge, and get specific on your next steps. You will be supported in a non-competitive, engaged environment with other women seeking rise to the next level. At the end of the program, you’ll walk away with a plan of action so you can be intention about the move you make next.

This mastermind is specifically targeted to professionals looking to ascend to the next level of leadership.

The power of many unlocks more.

A mastermind group is a collaborative peer group that is focused on accelerating results by holding each other accountable, celebrating successes, and collective brainstorming. Each session is comprised of “hot seats” where participants pose an “ultimate question” and the rest of the group provides ideas, experience, suggestions, and resources for that individual to consider. The power and experience of many minds provide you with options and possibilities not available by yourself.


flight CEO Mastermind

